Ingraham To Teach Dion/Tommy The Political Reality
The parade to further persuade the former Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham to return to prime time politics paving the way for the take over of the leadership of the Free National Movement is a major political underscore to the credit of the Hubert Ingraham....
Politics is a very unpredictable phenomenon that even those who profess to have gained expertise in the political manipulation whether fairly and ethically or not; there is still the window of surprise that comes along, even when everything seems certain.
This is the paradox of the political events since the former Prime Minister Ingraham decided to step aside from the leadership role of the FNM, leading to the election of Tommy Turnquest as the leader in 2001. This paradox has continued to unfold but in a seemingly predictable manner until recently, when it becomes clearer that the unpredictable may ultimately become the reality. With the elder statesman Ingraham riding the high pedestal even as he choose to sit at the backburner, there is great discomfort among the various political grouping in the country regarding the political implication of the living legendary political enigma coming back to take charge.
There is no doubt the greater number of the citizens of the country do wish Hubert Ingraham’s return, and this include members of the FNM and PLP. The only significant group that opposes his return and who sees the return as political surprise or betrayal, are the chief political class, that stand to lose the limelight and grace, when the light of the great Bahamian political leaders resurface again, presumably with the motorcade: coincidentally, the same manner in which he come into limelight in 1992.
The indomitable former leader is the master of the political game and his return will test the political terrain of The Bahamas, given the different political views about his personality and the presume support of Ingraham and the present leader Tommy Turnquest. Predictably, it is assumed that Hubert Ingraham political control is outside of the FNM party hence, he cannot sufficiently and successfully make a return bid. On the hand, there is assumed control of the present FNM leader regarding the Eastern Road barons and financial backers, as a strategic tool to Tommy’s credit as he bids to democratically silent all opposition to the top spot. Dion is believed to have mastery and control of the political machinery necessary to carry the day. Which of these postulation will become reality will shortly be seen.
As the FNM party gears-up for the upcoming convention, it is becoming increasingly certain, though unpredictable that former Prime Minister Ingraham is poised to teach FNM leader Tommy Turnquest and the FNM former Deputy Leader Dion Foulkes the reality of the political terrain of today’s Bahamas. This reality will be both historical and nerve wrenching, given that it was the King-maker Ingraham who blessed both Tommy and Dion for the top posts in the party, and now it’s the same king-maker that will dethrone his anointed king and deputy. Again, politics has no permanent friend and enemy, it depends on the exigency of the time and the place as the pendulum of the voters appears to lean.
The benefit of hindsight which the former Prime Minister Ingraham has and which most people appears to lack, is his ability to read the leaning of the electorate in rare manner that suits his political planning and objectives, even though the electorate might have thought he does not understand their leaning. This is where the truth about one of the most dominant and effective political figure in the country has over his colleagues as well as the electorate themselves.
The country has for a short period of time, lost focus and cohesiveness of the purpose particularly the good understanding between the governed and the government. The country will truly remain honored to have the former Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham coming back to lead the nation into another decade of great and pragmatic prosperity and economic growth among all classes of the Bahamian society. The members of the FNM party including all present leaders, must understand and appreciate the need for self-sacrifice: the hallmark of political reality. This is time for them to make sacrifice, to allow for The Bahamas political daddy to return.
The people wants their political father, and it will be wrong for the FNM to deny the people their request for the return of the dynamic elder statesman, whose decisiveness to all issues of concern to the Bahamian public became the hallmark of governing. The people now relish a government that is standing on their foot at all times, ready and capable of dealing with whatever circumstances that comes, while at the same time, sharing the facts with the people on a timely basis.
The symbolic motorcade arrival of the great statesman remains and will be the threshold of political history as Hubert Ingraham make his potential triumphant return to the "dining table" with all Bahamians on his side, and certainly knowing that the food will be made available to all who needs it and ask for it. Hubert Ingraham: a man of great integrity, spontaneous to action, dedicated to the cause of Bahamian development.

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